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Saturday, October 31, 2009

With Love... From Heaven {Wagga Wagga Portrait Photographer}

It has always been said that Ella is an old soul...
That her heart and mind have walked this Earth long before she ever came to us...
That perhaps her likeness to her Great Grandmother ~ long since passed ~ is no more coincidence than it is fate.
It has always been said that her knowledge of this world is far beyond that which it should be for her three short years here...
That  her comprehension of all that surrounds her at such a young age is impossible...
and yet so evident...
That her maturity is...
 almost unbelievable.  
Perhaps I myself would doubt,
if I were not blessed enough to be her Aunt...
But I see it...
Feel it...
Know it...
Ella is more than just a child...
Ella is an Angel...
Our Angel.

 Sent With Love,
From Heaven xox

 There we were... On an old dirt road... amidst dry, golden straw... When all of a sudden everything came to life... Ahead there was spring...
Long, green grass...
Dandelion wishes growing from the earth...
As though... just for our Angel!

 Oh, this face is just B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Watermelon Wishes {Wagga Wagga Child Portrait Photographer}

There is something so "childhood" about a great big slice of juicy watermelon.
Watching Alexander bite into the juicy pink flesh, as it drips down his arms... chin... shirt...
it just takes me back to the summers of my own youth...
The Christmas holidays most often meant camping in our family.
Mum, and us five kids...
along with Nan and one to six of my cousins would come along.
We would camp by the Murrumbidgee river...
a beautiful, semi~secluded spot with a small beach and a little island.
I can still inhale and capture the scent of the soap cake and the river upon my body at "bath time"...
when we would sneak into the murky water and lather up and take a wash...
the squealing sound of cicadas in the trees...
so many of their shells left behind upon the sturdy trunks of the old trees that surrounded us.
We would take it in turns of collecting the kindling for the fire...
that we would sit around as we shooed the flies from our sausage sandwiches.

I was so envious of my older brother and cousin...
Old enough to sleep in hammocks, strung from trees...
to stay up late and chat into the night...
to swim far upstream, around the bend...
so far from our mother and grandmother's sight...
Unlike us, who shared their tent, swam by their side, walked no farther than in full view.

Woken by the light of sunrise...
as the cicada songs came to a close and the distinct symphony of magpies would begin...
we would fall through the gauze door of the tent...
and spill into the wilderness...
bare feet upon the hard, dry red earth...
and we would race down to the water's edge...
dig our toes deep into the crisp, cool sand...
dare to slowly, slowly edge our feet into the ice cold water...
as it would burn deep into our skin...
the arch of our feet...
shoot high through our legs...
and yet somehow...
comforting, awakening.
We would play a short while there, tracing letters in the sand with twigs...
making tiny burrows that would quickly fill with the icy water...
waiting, most often impatiently for breakfast to be served.
As the days would warm, we would be handed giant slices of juicy watermelon...
that would drip down our arms with every sweet bite...
down our chins...
sweet, pink flesh in our mouths...
one hand shooing the flies.

I wish Alexander could have that.
I wish that he could have summers by the river with all of his cousins and his Nan...
Perhaps, somewhere along the way...
I, myself had forgotten what those summers had meant to me...
what they would still mean to me years later...
what they would mean to Alexander if I would share that with him.
While our days are still often spent by the mighty Murrumbidgee...
toes in the sand...
our nights are not spent under the stars...
to the rhythm of the cicada song...
That is something we are still yet to share!

... In the mean time...
There is watermelon!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

iHeart Faces Challenge {Wagga Wagga Portrait Photographer}

So it's time for another iHeart Faces challenge... This week's theme is of course, Halloween Dress Up!
Halloween isn't so big around here, and although I have talked for weeks about getting some things together for a themed photo shoot, for one reason or another, it just hasn't happened!  So, lucky for me, this challenge also allows for any kind of dress ups for those of us who just don't do the Halloween thing!!

For once, I didn't immediately know what photo I would use for the challenge, as two came to mind... Shall it be Ella as Snow White, or Maddison as a fairy?  I do love them both.  Then I thought about it a little more... that my choice for these challenges has never been so much about the image as it has about the capture... about the meaning of the photo...

Maddison's portraits were just days before her 7th birthday...
Months after she had moved with the family interstate...
months after we had last laid eyes on her... cuddled her... kissed her forehead.
In those months, Maddison had blossomed into an amazingly warm and gentle soul...
a young lady...
and I wanted to celebrate that.
So off we went, to an abandoned house...
Camera in hand...
In a field of weeds...
with her wings upon her back...
the sun on her skin...
and the wind in her hair...
So delicate... Ladylike... Beautiful...
And I captured so much of who she has become...
In just one lonely image...
This is Maddison...
Through my eyes...
Through my lens.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Driving Home {Wagga Wagga Portrait Photographer}

Driving back to this town is always slightly emotional for me.  It is the town where I spent the longest as a child.  It is the town I call home.  Not much of my life is there now, with my childhood home no longer standing... Now, just an empty block of land that reveals nothing
of its former life... nothing of the old white house with paint peeling from its walls, that was once filled with the noise of five children... or the scent of wood fires.
No hint of where a lawn once covered a front yard... where I would jump ever so high on the trampoline... Up, Up... Until she could see me... my very best friend...
who would jump just as high... or higher... on her own trampoline... a block away from me... and I would yell to her... that yes, she could have a sleepover.
No hint of a peach tree, that once stood by the corner of the house... a tree that was adorned with the largest juicy white peaches I had ever seen... or tasted.
Nothing of my childhood is there now... But an old peppercorn tree by the lane... Where afternoons were spent climbing... sitting upon a beautiful branch that
sprawled horizontally from its trunk... as though made just for us... Peeling open the crisp, mauve shell that encased the seeds... to inhale the unique scent
of peppercorn upon our fingers... Where plans were devised... and secrets were shared... Where I hid from my younger siblings... The only hint of my childhood there.
A town once filled with family...
Last year was my first visit home in 13 years.  Our family and close friends had long since moved on.  
Life was not always perfect there... 
But still, there was a sense of family I have never experienced anywhere else.

Next weekend I will drive back to my hometown for a portrait session...
And I already know that so much of my heart and soul will be in these images...
For so many reasons.
Until then... Here are two images of Lilah from yesterday that I have processed with a little vintage cotton candy influence... and I just love them...
I really enjoy the post processing element of photography... For many reasons...
For me, post processing is not about fixing photos that are not quite perfect...
But rather, taking my images to a place where I visualised them to be when I captured them.
You see, an artist's eye visualises not what is, but what can, and will be...
Much like an interior designer who sees a palace in a rundown old building...
or a painter who sees his finished product, long before he ever puts brush to canvas...
I visualise what will be... and I capture with the intent of making that vision come to life...
These two images were captured with that intent...
to give them the sweet softness of cotton candy,
because that is just so very fitting!




Friday, October 23, 2009

Little Miss Lilah Michelle {Wagga Wagga Newborn Photographer}

Can you even believe that 7 long weeks have flown by since Lilah Michelle came to our family on that beautiful September morning? She is even more beautiful today than the very day of her arrival... an angel who just fit so perfectly into her mothers arms... and heart. Little Lilah Michelle is just darling. She is happy, beautiful and clever and she just loves her Aunty Hayley... and of course, that's what matters the most!!

It is so incredible to watch my baby sister as a mother... to see her all grown up and raising a family of her own, it makes me so proud! It is so obvious how much her girls adore her... Lilah already looks at her with adoring eyes and a full smile {Oh, her smile just melts my heart!}.
As I watch her children grow I see so much of her in them... so much of her childhood self replaying through her own daughters.
Lilah and Ella are so different. Lilah has grey~blue eyes... Ella's are chocolate.
Lilah has soft white skin... Ella's is olive.
Lilah's most dominent feature is her gorgeous big smile... Ella's are those huge, dark eyes lined with the longest lashes...
And yet, they are so alike... already.
I look forward to watching them walk through their lives... to see who they become and to be there to guide them along, to be a part of their happiness and heartbreaks as the years pass them by...

And for now...

I just want to make sure they know that I adore them...
That I always will...
That they are my angels.
And I hope to give them the gift of beautiful memories of their childhood through the images I take of them...

And so today, we took little miss Lilah Michelle out for a drive...
and stopped for a photo... or ten...

And look who we met along the way...
And he was being very friendly considering that we are right in the midst of swooping {nesting} season...

Monday, October 19, 2009

Joie Moderne {Notecards Set 2}

Finally, here is a little preview of  Joie Moderne, {Modern Delight}.
I have had so much joy in designing this set and as you can see,  François and Angélique have made another appearance already!  I really have grown attached to the gorgeous little darlings so it will be a little sad to pop them away for a short while to begin work on my new set!
Until then... Enjoy!

As the weather begins to warm again I will be finding myself outdoors yet again meeting beautiful people
and taking gorgeous portraits!
I look forward to the coming weeks with a few families coming to meet me and to have me document this time in their lives!
I am thankful that I have had François and Angélique to keep me busy through the rain!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Ooh La La! {Notecards Set3, François and Angélique}

Introducing François and Angélique, my two little French darlings who clearly have exquisite taste in fine antique furniture!
Oh, how I have come to love them so very much over the hours I have spent designing with them, they are just so very sweet, just look at those tubby little tummies! I just couldn't wait to offer a little peek at this collection because I have just grown so attached to it!
This is of course not the last we shall see of François and Angélique, together and apart...
I have a feeling I will be working with them again very soon!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Élégance Millésimée {Notecards Set 1}

After much work, and much love, I am so pleased to be able to bring you a sneak peek of my first
set of Notecards!  "Élégance Millésimée" {Chic Elegance} is quite obviously inspired by my love of
all things vintage and antique!
Over the coming weeks I will bring you a few more of my designs from the set as well as a peek from my second set, currently in progress "Joie Moderne" or, Modern Delight!